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Nintendo?s decision to price the Wii U at $300 (and $350 for a version with more storage) raised some alarm bells among price-conscious consumers, who noted that the Wii debuted at just $250 in 2006.
That made us wonder which console was the best bargain ? and which was the worst bargain ? in all of video game history at the time of launch. Fortunately for us, the folks at Statista like doing math. They calculated the launch prices for video game consoles throughout history, and then they adjusted the price for 2012 dollars based on inflation rates. And here are the results. The Neo Geo turns out to be the most ridiculously priced system at the time of its launch, coming out in 1990 at $650, which is $1,146 in today?s dollars. 3DO, which debuted in 1993, was close behind at the outlandish $699 price, or $1,114 in today?s dollars. The cheapest console was the Nintendo GameCube, priced at $199 (or $259 in today?s dollars) back in 2001.
Sure, we know that adding bigger storage and more accessories will make some of these systems priced below more expensive, but we?re measuring the base system cost.
By comparison, the Nintendo Wii U is coming out at $300 on Nov. 18. That price will make it the fifth most-reasonably priced console in video game history. Here?s a link to Statista?s research on game consoles.
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A new poll of the battleground state of Iowa released on Saturday night by The Des Moines Register shows President Obama leading Mitt Romney by four percentage points among likely voters, 49 percent to 45 percent.
The poll is the latest in a series to show the president with an edge over the challenger in many of the crucial swing states less than six weeks before the election.
In a bit of bad news-good news for Romney, the poll found that many Iowa voters already have made up their minds, with only two percent identifying themselves as undecided. However, 10 percent said they could still be persuaded to vote for another candidate, offering a glimmer of hope for the Republican nominee.
Romney has campaigned in Iowa six times since clinching the Republican nomination, but hasn't visited since Sept. 7, when he held a rally in the northwest part of the state, a conservative stronghold. Obama made eight visits to the state ahead of early voting, which started last week.
Both campaigns are making a point to send surrogates in their place, blanketing the state with running mates and wives. Both Ann Romney and Michelle Obama have campaigned in Iowa in the past ten days. And Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan will makes stops in the state in the upcoming week.
The latest Des Moines Register poll was conducted Sept. 23-26 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points among likely voters.
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LONDON (AP) ? Britain's Health Protection Agency has published an early genetic sequence of the new respiratory virus related to SARS that shows it is most closely linked to bat viruses, and scientists say camels, sheep or goats might end up being implicated too.
So far, there are no signs the virus will be as deadly as SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, which killed hundreds of people, mostly in Asia, in a 2003 global outbreak.
Global health officials say they haven't found evidence the virus can spread between people and suspect two victims from the Middle East may have caught it from animals.
"It's a logical possibility to consider any animals present in the region in large numbers," said Ralph Baric, a coronavirus expert at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "Biologists now need to go into the area and take samples from any animals they can get their hands on, including camels and goats," he said. Baric said it was crucial to find out how widespread the virus is in animals and what kind of contact might be risky for people.
Baric suggested bats might be spreading the virus directly to humans since the two confirmed infections happened months apart. "If there was an established transmission pattern from other animals, we probably would have seen a lot more cases," he said.
The World Health Organization said it is considering the possibility the new coronavirus sickened humans after direct contact with animals. The agency is now working with experts in the Middle East to figure out how the two confirmed cases got infected but could not share details until the investigation was finished.
One patient was a Saudi Arabian man who died several months ago while the other is a Qatari national who traveled to Saudi Arabia before falling ill and is currently in critical but stable condition in a London hospital.
Earlier this week, WHO issued a global alert asking doctors to be on guard for any potential cases of the new respiratory virus, which also causes kidney failure.
Saudi officials have already warned that next month's annual Muslim Hajj pilgrimage, which brings millions to Saudi Arabia from all around the world, could allow the virus to spread. As a precautionary measure, they are advising pilgrims to keep their hands clean and wear masks in crowded places.
Experts said knowing where a virus comes from provides clues on how to stop it.
"This means we could prevent the fire before it starts instead of rushing towards it with fire trucks and water hoses afterwards," said Michael Osterholm, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Minnesota.
Osterholm said it was possible bats had simply passed on the virus from other animals and that there could be a complicated transmission chain that ultimately ended in humans.
Viruses reproduce as they infect animals and people, giving them more chances to evolve into a deadlier version.
"We don't know enough about coronaviruses to predict which mutations might make them more lethal or transmissible," Osterholm said. "But you don't want to tempt genetic fate with microbes because you're bound to lose most times."
Michael Casey in Dubai contributed to this report.
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Photo by Mike Sargent/AFP/Getty Images.
?How To Measure for a President: Suppose the presidential campaign was settled by a job interview. Here?s what we should look for,? by John Dickerson. As we enter the home stretch of the presidential campaign, John Dickerson explores what qualities a candidate needs to be a good president. He argues that candidates must know how to play politics, and he also talks about what it takes to manage a White House staff.
??Pop Art: The brilliant redesign of the soda can tab,? by Tom Vanderbilt. It?s been 35 years since Jimmy Buffett ?blew out [his] flip flop/ and stepped on a pop top.? Now Tom Vanderbilt explores the simple engineering marvel that replaced the old, dangerous metal scraps. But oddly enough, attaching the tab to the can still hasn?t kept kids from swallowing it.
?The World Doesn?t Love the First Amendment: The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech,? by Eric Posner. In this provocative piece, University of Chicago law professor Eric Posner puts American regard for freedom of expression in an international context?and suggests we might be the ones in the wrong.
?Why You Hate Cyclists: Partly because of jerks like me. But it?s mostly your own illogical mind,? by Jim Saksa. What explains the never-ending war between drivers and bikers? Not maniac cyclists?science: ?When it comes to cyclists, once some clown on two wheels almost kills himself with your car, you furiously decide that bicyclists are assholes,? Saksa writes, ?and that conclusion will be hard to shake regardless of countervailing facts, stats, or arguments.?
?Human Rights, the Death Penalty, and Affirmative Action: What will the Supreme Court decide in this term?s first big cases?? by Emily Bazelon. On the docket this fall: Does a 1789 anti-piracy statute allow cases against foreign corporations in American courts for human rights abuses on foreign soil? Can we execute defendants who are found mentally incompetent to help their lawyers with appeals? And will the Court strike down affirmative action? Emily Bazelon offers a preview.
?How Can We Stop Pedophiles? Stop treating them like monsters,? by Jennifer Blyer. Pedophiles might struggle with sexual attraction to children for years before they abuse, but mandatory reporting requirements discourage them from seeking help. Jennifer Blyer recommends treating pedophilia as an unchangeable neurological condition and teaching mental health professionals how to offer treatment?before it?s too late.
?Who Was the Most Religious President of All Time? They called him ?The Deacon,?? by Forrest Wickman. This week, The New Yorker?s r Nicholas Lemann wrote that Mitt Romney ?would arguably be the most actively religious President in American history.? But which president holds the title right now? Forrest Wickman suggests it?s Jimmy Carter, who went door-to-door introducing himself as a peanut farmer/missionary.
?House of Pain: Obama may be president. Democrats may keep the Senate. But the House isn?t going anywhere,? by David Weigel. Nancy Pelosi tries to convince reporters that Democrats can take back the House, but David Weigel?s not buying it?especially not after the 2011 redistricting. ?That would mean that the people who drew the districts didn't do very good jobs,? a pollster tells Weigel.
?There Will Be No Bacon Shortage: How a British trade association press release sent the Internet into a senseless panic,? by Matthew Yglesias. We won?t run out of bacon, but we might have to pay a bit more for it. Matthew Yglesias traces the bacon shortage rumor back to its source.
?NFL 2012: The scab refs and the NFL slide deeper into incompetence,? by Drew Magary. The referee lockout is finally over. Relive the madness with Week 3 of Slate?s season-long NFL roundtable with Deadspin, where Drew Magary, Chris Kluwe, Barry Petchesky, and Stefan Fatsis analyze the botched call heard around the world.
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By Kerri S. Mabee, on September 27, 2012, at 12:42 am
For folks wishing to get serious about their fitness, there is hardly a better deal than working out under the informed and watchful eye of physician.
Dr. D Fitness recently opened in Hemet, offering a variety of classes for health and exercise. (Courtesy photo)
Dr. Alex Denes, MD, recently opened a new studio that offers exercise with an emphasis on good health and strength-building.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
A: I am a physician who has had a lifelong love-affair with fitness. After attending group aerobics classes for decades, I became a certified instructor, and started teaching aerobics at various health clubs in Hemet about 10 years ago. I started with indoor cycling, (spin) and now have added Zumba, Zumba Gold, and Sculpt and Abs classes as well. I currently teach cycling and Zumba at LA Fitness and at Powerhouse Gym in San Jacinto, in addition to the classes at my own gym.
Q: What prompted you to delve into the realm of fitness?
A: I?ve always felt that the medical field, (and specifically, health insurance companies) have long ignored the long-term benefits of exercise and fitness. Medicare (and other insurers) would never pay for preventive health care, or even encourage a healthy lifestyle. This, by the way, has recently changed for the better. Preventing illness is always a much better option than treating it once it?s established. In my estimation, there is no better protection?against disease and?disability than fitness.
Q: What makes Dr. D. Fitness unique?
A: For one, physician supervision. I personally oversee and help develop each of the programs we offer. There is so much hype and gimmickry in the fitness industry, that it is easy for a person to become disoriented or disenchanted with a program; or worse, sustain an injury as a result. Also, we are a small gym offering only group classes and personal training. Our class size is limited to 15 participants, which allows us to provide individualized?attention to our members, allowing them to proceed at their own pace and within their comfort level. This helps avoid injury and ?burnout.? I teach many of the classes myself, and I have two highly-experienced and motivating instructors ? Barbara Shippy and Barbara Calderon ? who teach the rest.
Q: What kinds of classes are offered?
A: Zumba?, Zumba Gold ?, Yoga,?Pilates, Women?s Boot Camp, Sculpt and Abs, and Senior (low-impact, low-intensity) programs. We are in the process of adding a Silver Sneakers? program, but that is not yet finalized. We are looking at adding step aerobics, belly dancing, line dancing, kick-boxing and cycling, based on member interest.
Q: What has been the response from customers so far?
A: Very encouraging. Of course, we?ve only been open a week and a half, but had a great turnout for our Open House two weeks ago. People like the fact that registration is free, and there are no monthly fees or dues. You only pay for classes you attend, and purchasing multi-use passes provides for significant discounts. Seniors receive a very favorable rate as well.
Dr. D Fitness is located at 1947 E Florida Ave., Hemet. To learn more, visit or call 951-652-1412.
Kerri S. Mabee can be reached at Follow me on Twitter @kerrimabee.
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The Louboutin fashion house of France brought suit against Yves Saint Laurent, another French fashion company, seeking injunction of the latter?s distribution of women?s high fashion shoes with red lacquer outsoles. Louboutin has, since 1992, distributed its signature footwear that features a bright, lacquered red outsole, which nearly always contrasts strikingly with the color of the rest of the shoe. In the words of the Court, this red outsole has become closely associated with Louboutin in the high-stakes commercial markets and social circles in which these things matter a great deal.
In the District Court, Louboutin requested preliminary injunction of YSL?s distribution of shoes with a red lacquer outsole (whether or not the color of the outsole contrasted with the color of the rest of the shoe). The District Court denied that request stating that issuance of injunction would violate a per se rule that a single color can never be protected by trademark in the fashion industry. According to the District Court, in the fashion industry, single-color marks are inherently functional and, as such, any such mark is likely to be held invalid. According to the District Court, ?there is something unique about the fashion world that militates against extending trademark protection to a single color.?
Upon review, the Circuit Court found that reference by the District Court to a per se rule was error. The Circuit Court noted that Qualitex expressly held that ?sometimes[ ] a color will meet ordinary legal trademark requirements[,a]nd, when it does so, no special legal rule prevents color alone from serving as a trademark.? Qualitex forbids application of a per se rule.?
Rather than refuse injunction on the basis of a per se rule, the Circuit Court held that the District Court should have come to a particularized conclusion as to whether, or not, the Louboutin mark is functional and, thus, unenforceable. Courts in the United States have long held that certain trademarks that act not only as a source indicator but also ?satisfy a demand for the aesthetic? are sometimes vulnerable to an affirmative defense of aesthetic functionality. According to the Circuit Court, a mark is aesthetically functional, and therefore unenforceable against a competitor, only where protection of the mark significantly undermines competitors? ability to compete in the relevant market. In making the determination, courts must carefully weigh the competitive benefits of protecting the source-identifying aspects of a mark against the competitive costs of precluding competitors from using the trademark feature. The courts must inquire as to whether recognizing the trademark would put competitors at a significant non-reputation-related disadvantage.?
The Circuit Court did not itself apply an aesthetic functionality analysis to the mark at issue in the case. It used other grounds to refuse to enforce Louboutin?s claimed trademark against YSL. Specifically, the Court instructed the Director of the Patent and Trademark Office to limit the registration of Louboutin?s mark to only those situations in which the red lacquered outsole contrasts in color with the adjoining ?upper? of the sole. Since the accused YSL shoes are monochromatic (i.e., the outsoles are of the same color as the uppers), the trademark (as modified) is not infringed.
There are at least three points to make about this case.
1. Narrowness of Trademark. This Circuit Court opinion modifies the Louboutin trademark to include only those situations in which the ?red lacquered outsole contrasts in color with the adjoining ?upper? of the shoe.? Monochromatic shoes do not even arguably infringe the mark. Further, there is not even an argument to be made by Louboutin that it can prevent another shoemaker from distributing shoes with outsoles of a color other than red. For example, white or yellow outsoles. Query whether the Circuit Court should have taken another limiting step by narrowing Louboutin?s trademark to outsoles of a particular shade of red. The Court could have, for example, narrowed the trademarked color by reference to a Pantone number.?
2. No Application of Defense by Court. Very importantly, as noted above, the Circuit Court in this case did not actually apply the aesthetic functionality test that it took pains to outline. Thus, even after this opinion, Louboutin may be unable to succeed in an action enforcing its trademark. A future defendant may very well be able to defend against an infringement claim by convincing a District Court or jury that Louboutin?s trademark is in fact aesthetically functional under the test outlined by the Second Circuit. This case merely disallows the per se rule referenced by the District Court. It does not eliminate the defense of aesthetic functionality. The lower courts in the Second Circuit remain entitled to refuse to enforce single-color marks in the fashion industry upon a particularized finding of functionality. Which, in the end, may happen with regularity. The per se rule merely becomes a de facto rule.
3. Market Analysis. Under the case law, determining whether a mark is aesthetically functional boils down to the court conducting a market analysis. As noted above, and as ruled in this case, a mark is aesthetically functional, and therefore unenforceable against a competitor, where protection of the mark significantly undermines competitors? ability to compete in the relevant market. Thus, in a hypothetical future case brought by Louboutin, if the trial court defines the relevant market broadly as the market in women?s shoes, it will likely not find the mark functional. This is true because enforcement of the mark would not significantly undermine competition in this otherwise very broad and wide open market for women?s shoes. Alternatively, if the court defines the relevant market narrowly as the market in women?s high fashion shoes with outsoles of a color that contrasts with the color of the shoe upper, then that court should find it impossible for more than a handful of competitors to compete on an equal footing if a trademark or red contrasting outsoles is enforced. This is true because there are only a limited number of primary and secondary colors, (i.e., red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, white, and black) from which each competitor may choose for use with its outsoles. Indeed, there are eight such colors. If each competitor were to trademark one of these colors, there would be room for only eight competitors. This numerical limit to primary and secondary colors is one reason why the temptation to declare a per se rule against single-color trademarks in the fashion industry is so great.
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David Meier, right, special consul to the Governor appointed to lead the review of drug convictions which might have been compromised by a State Police drug testing lab, leads a meeting at the Department of Public Safety in Boston, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Prosecutors, defense attorney's along with representatives from the District Attorney's office, the U.S. Attorney's office, the State Police and the Department of Public Safety were in attendance. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)
David Meier, right, special consul to the Governor appointed to lead the review of drug convictions which might have been compromised by a State Police drug testing lab, leads a meeting at the Department of Public Safety in Boston, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Prosecutors, defense attorney's along with representatives from the District Attorney's office, the U.S. Attorney's office, the State Police and the Department of Public Safety were in attendance. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)
David Meier, right, special consul to the Governor appointed to lead the review of drug convictions which might have been compromised by a State Police drug testing lab, leads a meeting at the Department of Public Safety in Boston, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Prosecutors, defense attorney's along with representatives from the District Attorney's office, the U.S. Attorney's office, the State Police and the Department of Public Safety were in attendance. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)
BOSTON (AP) ? A chemist at the center of a drug lab testing scandal admitted she faked results for two to three years, forged signatures and skipped proper procedures, a police report shows.
Some of Annie Dookhan's colleagues also had concerns for years about the high number of drug samples she tested and inconsistencies in her work, according to other police reports The Associated Press obtained Wednesday.
Lab employees' interviews with investigators show they convinced themselves their concerns were invalid or reported them to supervisors who didn't intervene to stop Dookhan.
Dookhan's mishandling of drug samples at the now-closed state lab in Boston has thrown thousands of criminal cases into question, authorities say. A handful of defendants already are free or have had their criminal sentences suspended.
Concerns from Dookhan's colleagues prompted two supervisors to audit her work in 2010, but they just looked at paperwork and didn't retest drug samples.
Things started to unravel in the spring of 2011, when Dookhan was caught forging a colleague's initials on paperwork after taking 90 drug samples from evidence, according to police. Another colleague told police it was "almost like Dookhan wanted to get caught."
Anne Goldbach, forensic services director for the Committee for Public Counsel Services, which oversees the provision of legal representation for indigent people, said the new documents show the problems at the Hinton State Laboratory are more troubling than originally believed. She said it appears there was unsupervised access to the lab's evidence office and evidence safe.
While Goldbach said she didn't see evidence of intentional wrongdoing by other chemists, she said that because Dookhan was in charge of quality control equipment other chemists could have gotten false test results without knowing it.
"The fact that she failed to conduct quality control steps ... it calls into question all the testing done by the lab," Goldbach said.
Attorney John T. Martin, who represents several defendants whose samples Dookhan handled, said he believes she changed drug weights to meet statutory standards for stricter sentencing.
Martin said in the cases of four of his clients, Dookhan determined that the weight of the drug sample was just 1 gram above the amount needed for a more serious penalty even though police reports made the seizure seem smaller.
Police say Dookhan told them several times in an August interview that she knew she had done wrong.
"I screwed up big time," she said while becoming teary-eyed, according to the report by investigators for Attorney General Martha Coakley's office. "I messed up bad. It's my fault. I don't want the lab to get in trouble."
Authorities haven't filed charges against Dookhan or commented on her possible motives as their probe continues. Dookhan hasn't responded to repeated requests for comment.
In the Aug. 28 interview with two investigators at her dining room table, Dookhan first denied doing anything wrong when she analyzed drug samples. She changed her story after they confronted her with a Boston Police Department retest of a suspected cocaine sample that came back negative after Dookhan identified it as the narcotic. Police also told her the number of samples she reported analyzing was too high and she couldn't have done all the tests.
The report shows Dookhan then admitted identifying drug samples by looking at them instead of testing them, called dry labbing.
She said she tested about five out of 25 samples she got from evidence, after routinely getting a large number of samples from different cases out of the evidence room, police say. She also told police she contaminated samples a few times to get more work finished but no one asked her to do anything improper, they say.
"I intentionally turned a negative sample into a positive a few times," Dookhan said in a signed statement she gave police.
Dookhan also told investigators she routinely skirted proper procedures by looking up data for assistant district attorneys who called her directly rather than going through the evidence department.
State police say Dookhan tested more than 60,000 drug samples submitted in the cases of about 34,000 defendants during her nine years at the lab. She resigned in March amid an internal investigation by the Department of Public Health.
After state police took over the lab in July as part of a state budget directive, they said they discovered her violations were much more extensive than previously believed and went beyond sloppiness into malfeasance and deliberate mishandling of drug samples.
In the August police interview, Dookhan said that in June 2011 she improperly took 90 samples that weren't assigned to her from evidence and forged another person's initials on a log book after a supervisor questioned her about it. While Dookhan's lab duties were suspended after that, she said she disobeyed orders and continued to give law enforcement officials information on their cases.
Two days after her police interview, Gov. Deval Patrick ordered state police to close the lab.
That day, a police lieutenant spoke with Dookhan to tell her she should get an attorney because she could face criminal charges.
Dookhan cried on the phone, saying she didn't know any lawyers, didn't have money and was in a long divorce with her husband and didn't want to involve family.
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The internet is where you go for viral videos, to pay your bills, to read your news and to buy your holiday gifts, so why wouldn?t it be the place to advertise your salon business? If you are thinking about starting a business online, take your time to read over these fantastic internet marketing tips.
To make more money, you can offer additional products, services and bonuses. After presenting the qualities of a product or service mention its shortcomings and how that can be fixed by an additional product. You should make sure that the original product and the bonuses would interest the same kind of customers.
A simple way to increase internet marketing is to leverage your site address in all of your online activities. If you participate in forums or blogs, be sure to include your site address in all of your postings or online signatures to help drive additional visitors to your site. If you are posting informative or valuable comments, it is much more likely other users will visit your site if the link is easily clickable.
A great way to use the internet to promote your salon business is by creating short commercials. No longer do you need a big budget to produce commercials and then pay to have them aired on TV. Now you can post your commercials on YouTube. If your commercials are good enough, they stand a chance of becoming viral. Or you can use them in the traditional way and have your commercials air during internet videos on sites like YouTube and Hulu.
Use a wide range of emotional words in your Internet advertising. Words like love, freedom, happiness, satisfaction, joy, relief and security tug at the emotions of buyers and many buyers make purchases based on emotional needs. Blend these words in with other necessary details about your products, and increase your sales.
The most important thing that a web site can have, that will impact its page ranking more than anything else is its content. Specifically, this content should be as new and as fresh as possible. By continuously adding fresh, new content to your site, you will be ranked progressively higher, as well as, have increased traffic. Fresh content is hard to come by on the net these days, which is why it is so crucial to have new material on your site.
As stated in the beginning of this article, in order to become successful at internet marketing, you must know what you are getting yourself into. This article has provided you with valuable information that you can use to get your product known and sold. Take this article and use it so that you will be on your way to becoming a success!
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22 hrs.
Devin Coldewey
Tesla Motors has answered critics of the range and energy source of electric cars by establishing a network of solar-powered charge stations throughout California, with plans to expand to the rest of the U.S. And if you have a Model S, charging is free forever.
For years it has been an oft-repeated objection to electric cars that while they may not themselves produce carbon emissions, their electricity often is produced by carbon-producing power plants. It's a legitimate problem, though for now unavoidable ? unless, as Tesla demonstrates, you circumvent the power grid altogether.
That's what they've decided to do with their Supercharger stations, a network of solar-powered chargers that will refill your Tesla Model S free of charge. And what's more, they charge at four or five times the rate of even a high-capacity home charger, so you can get 150 miles of range back in half an hour.?
The Superchargers aren't intended for everyday charging, but for long-distance driving: they're?spaced between 100 and 200 miles apart, distant but?well within the 250-mile range of the Model S. At the moment the network is limited to California, but Musk was confident that within two years, much of the U.S. (as well as some of Europe and Asia) will be covered:
As Tesla CEO Elon Musk said at the announcement, "If you want to go from LA to New York, if you pack food and stay with friends, you can leave your wallet at home."
The other nice thing about these stations is that not only do they power themselves, but they're designed to collect more solar energy than they expend on charging vehicles. This extra energy they actually contribute to the grid, so they're a net positive, not a draw.
Tesla's Model S is their newest vehicle, aimed at commuters and families. At around?$50,000 to start, it competes with Lexus and BMW, not Honda and Subaru, but that hasn't stopped it from pre-selling thousands of units. They're only just this month starting to roll out to buyers, so there aren't many on the road just yet.
The Supercharger stations in and around Los Angeles and San Francisco are online?right now, and others will surely be announced by Tesla when they go live. More information can be found at Tesla's press release, and?Engadget has embedded a video of the event.
Devin Coldewey is acontributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2012 A new episode in the American Chemical Society's (ACS') popular Prized Science video series features insights into the effects of wind-blown dust on human health and climate from Vicki Grassian, Ph.D. She has jokingly been called "the Dust Queen" and is a noted authority on the tiny particles of sand and dirt, termed mineral dust, that are transported from areas as remote as the Sahara Desert.
The video, produced by the ACS, the world's largest scientific society, is available at and by request on DVD. Prized Science Vicki Grassian: Making Sense of Atmospheric Dust is the newest episode in the 2012 Prized Science series, which features the science behind some of ACS' national awards.
ACS encourages educators, schools, museums, science centers, news organizations and others to embed links to Prized Science on their websites. The videos discuss scientific research in non-technical language for general audiences. New episodes in the series, which focuses on ACS' 2012 national award recipients, will be issued periodically.
Grassian received the 2012 ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology. She is an F. Wendell Miller Professor at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The award, sponsored by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, recognizes Grassian's research on the role of mineral dust in atmospheric chemistry, climate and health and on developing better models depicting its likely effects. For example, Grassian discovered that nitrous oxide which may be a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide can form during chemical reactions on the surface of dust particles. Grassian explains that dust in the atmosphere also is linked to respiratory and heart diseases.
Previous episodes in the 2012 series featured Robert Langer, Sc.D., and Chad Mirkin, Ph.D. ACS recognized Langer for pioneering work in making body tissues in the lab by growing cells on special pieces of plastic. Mirkin's research is providing patients with faster diagnoses for influenza and other respiratory infections and new tests that improve care for heart disease.
Upcoming episodes feature:
The ACS administers more than 60 national awards to honor accomplishments in chemistry and service to chemistry. The nomination process involves submission of forms, with winners selected by a committee consisting of ACS members who typically are technical experts in the nominee's specific field of research.
The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 164,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.
To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2012 A new episode in the American Chemical Society's (ACS') popular Prized Science video series features insights into the effects of wind-blown dust on human health and climate from Vicki Grassian, Ph.D. She has jokingly been called "the Dust Queen" and is a noted authority on the tiny particles of sand and dirt, termed mineral dust, that are transported from areas as remote as the Sahara Desert.
The video, produced by the ACS, the world's largest scientific society, is available at and by request on DVD. Prized Science Vicki Grassian: Making Sense of Atmospheric Dust is the newest episode in the 2012 Prized Science series, which features the science behind some of ACS' national awards.
ACS encourages educators, schools, museums, science centers, news organizations and others to embed links to Prized Science on their websites. The videos discuss scientific research in non-technical language for general audiences. New episodes in the series, which focuses on ACS' 2012 national award recipients, will be issued periodically.
Grassian received the 2012 ACS Award for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology. She is an F. Wendell Miller Professor at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. The award, sponsored by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, recognizes Grassian's research on the role of mineral dust in atmospheric chemistry, climate and health and on developing better models depicting its likely effects. For example, Grassian discovered that nitrous oxide which may be a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide can form during chemical reactions on the surface of dust particles. Grassian explains that dust in the atmosphere also is linked to respiratory and heart diseases.
Previous episodes in the 2012 series featured Robert Langer, Sc.D., and Chad Mirkin, Ph.D. ACS recognized Langer for pioneering work in making body tissues in the lab by growing cells on special pieces of plastic. Mirkin's research is providing patients with faster diagnoses for influenza and other respiratory infections and new tests that improve care for heart disease.
Upcoming episodes feature:
The ACS administers more than 60 national awards to honor accomplishments in chemistry and service to chemistry. The nomination process involves submission of forms, with winners selected by a committee consisting of ACS members who typically are technical experts in the nominee's specific field of research.
The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 164,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.
To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) ? A Harvard-educated biologist was sentenced to life in prison without parole Monday after being convicted of going on a shooting rampage during a faculty meeting at an Alabama university, killing three colleagues and wounding three others in 2010.
The jury deliberated for about 20 minutes before convicting Amy Bishop. The former professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville showed no reaction as the verdict was read. She did not speak in court, but her attorney said she has often expressed great remorse for the victims and their families.
"She is shattered beyond belief," attorney Roy Miller said.
Bishop avoided a death sentence by pleading guilty earlier this month to the shootings on Feb. 12, 2010. Before the guilty plea ? which she signed with a barely legible scrawl ? her attorneys had said they planned to use an insanity defense.
However, she was still required to have a brief trial because she admitted to a capital murder charge.
And she still could face a trial in Massachusetts, where she is charged in the 1986 killing of her 18-year-old brother. Seth Bishop's death had been ruled an accident after Amy Bishop told investigators she shot him in the family's Braintree home as she tried to unload her father's gun. But the Alabama shootings prompted a new investigation and charges. Prosecutors have said they would wait until after sentencing in the Alabama case to determine whether to put Bishop on trial in Massachusetts.
Bishop killed her boss, biology department chairman Gopi Padila, plus professors Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson. Associate professor Joseph Leahy, staff aide Stephanie Monticciolo and assistant professor Luis Cruz-Vera were shot and wounded.
Leahy said he was satisfied with the verdict and life sentence, but no amount of remorse by Bishop could change what she'd done.
"She has just sort of ceased to exist for me," he told reporters after the brief trial.
A police investigator testified that Bishop initially denied having anything to do with the rampage. And during the trial, Bishop shook her head anytime the judge or prosecutors described the killings as intentional.
District Attorney Rob Broussard said Bishop's reaction in court didn't make sense.
"You can't take a loaded 9 mm and hold it inches away from human beings' heads and tell me you didn't mean to do that," said Broussard.
Investigator Charlie Gray also said police believe Bishop opened fire during the faculty meeting because she was angry over being denied tenure, which effectively ended her career at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
"She would say, 'It didn't happen. I wasn't there. It wasn't me,'" Gray said.
Bishop wore a red jail uniform in court and was shackled at the feet, seated between two attorneys at the defense table.
Also in court, sitting behind prosecutors, were relatives of the people killed in the rampage.
The only other witness to testify was Debra Moriarity, now the chairman of biological sciences at UAH. She testified about how a routine Friday afternoon faculty meeting turned into a scene of carnage with no warning.
Moriarty testified that Amy Bishop sat unusually silent during the nearly hourlong faculty meeting, during which discussions ran from a spring open house to plans for the following fall. People were seated around a crowded conference table in a small room on a chilly, overcast day, she said.
Moriarity said she glanced down at a piece of paper on the table. "And there was a loud bang," she said.
Moriarity said more shots followed in quick succession without Bishop ever saying a word. Moriarity said she was looking directly at Bishop when she shot professor Maria Ragland Davis, who was killed instantly while still seated at the table.
Moriarity said she dove under the table for safety and tried to grab Bishop's legs, but the woman stepped out of her grasp. "I was saying, 'Stop, Amy, stop. Don't do this. I've helped you before, I'll help you again.'"
Moriarity said Bishop pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. She said Bishop continued trying to shoot her in a hall outside, but the gun had jammed.
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AFP - Israel will not accept alterations to its 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday, as ties between the two countries continue to fray.
"There is not the slightest possibility that Israel will accept the modification of the peace treaty with Egypt," Lieberman told Israeli public radio. "We will not accept any modification of the Camp David accords."
The comments come as tensions rise between Egypt and Israel, with speculation the government of Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi could seek to alter parts of the decades-old treaty.
Ties are also strained over the issue of security in Egypt's Sinai, which borders Israel and has increasingly become a haven for militants, some of whom have used the territory as a launching ground for attacking the Jewish state.
On Friday, an Israeli soldier and three militants who infiltrated from Sinai were killed in a clash along the border, after troops opened fire on the gunmen as they crossed the frontier.
Israel has urged Egypt to tackle the growing lawlessness in Sinai, and Cairo has responded by boosting its military presence in the peninsula, but that has also raised concern in the Jewish state, because the Camp David treaty limits the number of Egyptian troops that can be present in the territory.
"Egypt must fulfill its obligations in Sinai," Lieberman said on Sunday.
Egypt launched an unprecedented military operation in the peninsula after militants killed 16 Egyptian border police in northern Sinai on August 5.
Israel has warned that it expects Cairo to withdraw the military reinforcements once the operation was over.
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If it?s 1995, the company is Microsoft and the operating system is Windows 95. If it?s 2012, the company is Apple and the operating system is iOS 6.
Two years ago, the iPhone 4 was released and users quickly experienced issues with the antenna built directly into the case. The furor prompted Apple to publicly apologize for the mistake and offer some quick fix to deal with an offering that wasn?t fully there yet.
Last year, Apple releases the iPhone 4S, with Siri as the primary innovation it presented in the new phone. But Siri wasn?t fully baked and people were quick to take to social networks and tell the world about the disappointing offering.
This year, one of the big innovation Apple was to offer in iOS 6, the operating system powering the iPhone 5, was to be a new map offering, ?the most beautiful, powerful mapping service ever? if you?re to believe what the Cupertino giant said. But maps, which replaced a similar offering by Google on previous iOS devices, appears to have some issues.
In journalism, there is a rule of 3s: 3 similar events are generally seen as making up a trend. So it appears that, with the last 3 releases, Apple has had at least one major issue. In the old Steve Jobs days, products weren?t released until they were considered good enough; in the post Steve Jobs era, it appears that this form of quality control may be suffering.
While calling Apple an innovator may be a bit of a stretch, the company has had, in the past, a great ability at bringing refinement and polish to things that had been introduced in a clunky way by others. When they released the iPod, it wasn?t the first MP3 player on the market but it was the first digital music player that was easy to use; When they released the iPhone, it wasn?t the first smartphone on the market but it was the first polished smartphone experience on the market; When they introduced the iPad, it wasn?t the first tablet on the market but it was the least geeky one with the best overall experience. In each case, what Apple did was take an existing category and polish up the offering so that it presented a new standard for what a decent offering in that category ought to be.
But with the last few releases, the spit and polish has been lacking from the new offerings. Yes, the new antenna on the iPhone 4 was a revolutionary design but no it didn?t work; Yes, Siri looked like a good idea for a better voice-driven interface, but it didn?t work; Yes, Apple?s concept of bringing more 3D resolution to maps is something that looks like it could be better than Google maps, but it doesn?t work.
If those innovations worked, they could be seen as an improvement, a next step in the upmanship between Apple and its competitors but, in those specific cases, they can be seen as a step back. And, more troubling for Apple, they could show some unraveling in what had made Apple great in the past.
Another big innovation Apple mentioned with the introduction of the iPhone 5 was a new form factor and a larger screen. But the screen ended up with dimensions that did not conform to any other format known in the industry. Most of the screen industry has gathered around some standard sizes. So most of the larger screens on other smartphones end up being 1280x720 in order to support a 16x9 form factor.
Apple?s marching to the beat of a different drum, however and the iPhone 5 sports a screen that is 1136x640 pixels, a dimension not seen on any other devices in the industry. The reasoning is that your tumb needs to be able to move from one side of the screen to the other. That?s a very valid argument made in a powerful ad by the company.
But the messaging because inconsistent when one sees the other ads made by the company to highlight key features of the device. In each of those other ads, the primary use case is two handed, with no thumb really moving around the screen. I?ve put together a composite of the other ads:
Coming from a company that use to put so much care into displaying the right time on slides and in ads, this is an odd oversight.
There seems to be a cyclical approach to how companies grow. A couple of decades ago, Microsoft went from being a scrappy startup (up until the release of Windows 3.1) to a growing force and market leader (with its high water mark being the release of Windows 95, heralded as a cultural event in itself), to being seen as a power-hungry monopolist (with an eventual antitrust lawsuit won by the government in 1999) and eventually becoming a timid, government-controlled also-ran as a new dominant player emerged (nowadays).
Looking at Apple, we might detect some similarities. In the pre-1997 days, Apple was a scrappy computer maker, seldom gathering more than 10% of the market but always primed for a fight. With the introduction of the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, Apple?s rise to power has turned it into a clear market leader, defining where the industry ought to go next and?imitated?by a myriad competitor. But if you look at the last few iPhone releases, the company is increasingly falling into a legacy trap where defending what has brought it to the top becomes more important than substantial new innovation.
iOS, now in its 6th outing, is clearly sitting at the core of what makes Apple hum and defending it against attacks from Google (with Android) and others (Amazon, with a reskinned Android; Microsoft with a new operating system) is a core priority to the continued success of Apple?s products. And so Apple is working hard to replace those competitors with Apple products. Whereas it once had a friendlier relationship with Google, leading to the integration of YouTube and Google Maps in iOS, Apple is now seeing them as a major threat and thus had to remove or replace their product. This led to the inclusion of Siri as a new way to deal with search, going after Google?s bread and butter, and the removal of Maps, another critical function of most smartphones today.
The pattern that is starting to appear in Apple tea-leaves reading is that the Cupertino company is now focused on two efforts: first, it must protect and extent the reach of iOS; second, it works on optimizing its operational capacity to sell as many devices as possible (the speed at which the company is rolling out the iPhone 5 around the globe is nothing short of impressive and clearly highlights the operational genius of Apple?s new CEO Tim Cook).
But lurking in the distance is the specter of antitrust. Whether it is fair or not, the moves the company is making to protect its existing business could be seen as power-hungry land-grabs when presented under the wrong lens. And the recent flap over maps has that feel.
Hopefully, the leadership at Apple is smart enough to have studied history and learned from the mistakes made by Microsoft. If not, the company could find itself branded as a monopolist and dragged into court with emails taken out of context (I?d expect Steve Jobs ?Thermonuclear war on Android? being shown as proof of wrong-doing even if it were nothing more than an angry aside about a competitor).
So Apple has a few problems on its hands: on the one hand, there?s the immediate issue around maps and how to deal with it; on the other hand, the company has to worry about the signals it is sending in terms of quality as they may lead some customers to sit on the sideline (when quality at Microsoft started dropping, common wisdom became that you didn?t buy a Microsoft product until its 4th iteration); and then the company has to worry about being seen as a nasty monopolist.
The third part limits the company?s options on dealing with maps. Yes, it does have the hordes of cash needed to buy a superior map company (Tom-Tom or Nokia would come to mind) but doing so could be seen as a negative signal in the marketplace, thus forcing the company to do the fixing work on its own, or by tacking on smaller startups to help it with fixing its offering (I?ve already heard whispers that people saw an Apple / ?Foursquare tie-up making sense).
Attention to details is something Apple has been known for but the trend appears to some of those details falling by the wayside. Steve Jobs??obsessive?attention to every aspect of the company, from its ads to its software to how the back of its hardware looked is legendary and it?s time for the company to find a way to return to that model of cohesive integration of all aspects of the company.
While it continues to defy what can be done at scale in hardware and will probably continue running loops around its competitors when it comes to engineering feats in hardware, Apple must right itself on the software side of the house and pay the same attention to quality there as it does on hardware.
What we?re seeing here is a company where the CEO has a strong understanding of what makes a solid supply chain work but it?s high time for Tim Cook to step out of his comfort zone and focus the same manic energy on software: what made Apple great under Steve Jobs is that its leader understood that software and hardware work hand in hand to deliver revolutionary products and failing to continue in that understanding, the company may find that its best days are behind it.
Tristan Louis is the founder and CEO of Keepskor and writes the influential weblog, where this was initially posted under the title The devil is in the details. You can follow him on twitter here or receive his weekly newsletter by subscribing here.
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